the f*ck rants about stuff


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  1. How to create your own markdown syntax with python-markdown


    Markdown (and I use Pelican with md) is not very good at handling images. I want an easy way in md for the image to fill the column but to link to the full size image automatically

    I want to turn:

    !![alt text](path/image.png title text)


    <a href="path/image.png"><img width=100% title="title text" alt="alt text" src="path/image.png"></a>
    # mardown extension. Wraps <a> tags around img and adds width=100%
    # This makes easier to link to big images by making them fit the column
    # and linking to the big image
    # run the module to check that it works :)
    from markdown.extensions import Extension
    from markdown.inlinepatterns import Pattern
    from markdown.util import etree
    class Aimg(Extension):
        def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals):
            md.inlinePatterns.add('aimg', AimgPattern('^!!\[(.+)\]\((\S+) (.+)\)$'), '_begin')
    class AimgPattern(Pattern):
        def handleMatch(self, m):
            a = etree.Element('a', {'href'})
            img = etree.Element('img', {
                'width': '100%',
            return a
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        import markdown
        print(markdown.markdown('!![alt text](/images/image.png title text)', extensions=[Aimg()]))

    In your

    import aimg
    MD_EXTENSIONS = ['codehilite(css_class=highlight)', 'extra', aimg.Aimg()]
    alternative solutions without an extension

    Yes, you can insert raw HTML in a markdown file

    <a href="path/image.png"><img width=100% title="title text" alt="alt text" src="path/image.png"></a>

    Yes, you can have them mixed. You cant add attributes tho

    [<img width=100% title="title text" alt="alt text" src="path/image.png">](path/image.png)

    Yes, with the extra extension you can have classes and modify them via CSS

    ![alt text](path/image.png title text){.classnamewith100%width}
    My version
    !![alt text](path/image.png title text)
¡ En Español !